Fontpackage is the standard for packaging and distributing font projects. The Fontpackage format is a container for a font family’s font files and extended metadata. Its purpose is to contain all necessary working files for a font family, as well as its meta-information.
[TODO: Introduction and background]
While the Fontpackage standard aims to standard is simple and requires only minimum dataset to validate. The core of the standard is the higely custmisable manifest file fontpackage.toml
which sits at the root of the respository. The reccomended repository layout for Fontpackage is Unified Font Respository (UFR) layout, which defines a standard for orgnising all source files and documentation of a font project. However, Fontpackage only requiers the following files to validate.
▾ fonts #This is compatible with UFR and the defult location for binaries.
▾ otf/
▾ otf/
▾ webfonts/
NOTE: Package authours who choose not to use the UFR may point to font binaries and other files from the manifest file with URI relative to root. The minimum requierment for validating as a fontpackage is a fontpackage.toml
at the root of the reposiotry, pointing to the font binaries.
[TODO: Include complete layout]
The manifest file fontpackage.toml
on the root of the repo contains a superset of data provided in the ‘METADATA.yml’ of the UFR. fontpackage.toml
provides the information, metadata and classification data.
There are four main blocks in fontpackage.toml
NOTE: [TODO: Explanation] Why we commit binaries to the git repo?
Unified Font Repository: UFR is a standard repository layout to organize font project sources; covering all files including documentation, tests, source files and etc. Fontpackage is a standard for distributing font binaries and metadata. Fontpackage is fully compatible with UFR structure.
There are data duplication in the METADATA.yml
and the fontpackage.toml
This is something we have to
This specification aim to work with git artifacts and develop the standard to be provider-agnostic. Implementation will require working with APIs from respective Git service provider, in this case Github REST API.
[TODO: Intro]